It has been a busy week here in the land of the Oregon Trail. I am thankful that the Lord has brought us through all of it well. So this week there will be no extended discussion, just an encouragement to read through the doctrinal statement and look up the references. These references are in no way exhaustive.
Pastor Jeff
Jesus Christ: His Person and Work
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, became man without ceasing to be God; that He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of virgin, in order that He might redeem sinful man. He accomplished this redemption by voluntarily giving Himself as sinless, substitutionary sacrifice on the Cross, thereby satisfying God’s righteous judgment against sin. He gave proof that He accomplished that redemption by His bodily resurrection from the grave. He then ascended to the right hand of His Father, where He intercedes on behalf of those who trust Him (John 1:12,14,18; Luke 1:34, 35; Romans 3:24-26, 4:25, 8:34).